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Schedule Appointment!

Looking to make an appointment? Send us your availability and we'll do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible! Credit Card information is required to secure your appointment.

Groupon Customers must enter voucher bar-code number and type (e.g .groupon 123456789) in a message upon booking an appointment. Credit card information is used to secure your appointment. Bring voucher to appointment.

We do accept expired vouchers but there is a $25 fee due day of service. (Couples $20 per person, 2-hr pampering $20 per hour)

If you are booking a couples online you need to book TWO appointments.

No Show Fee is $50 please cancel 24 hours ahead to avoid this fee.

No exceptions or extensions. 


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Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible

Contact Information

Natural Healing Massage Services

Phone: 571-490-6750

Please NO Walk-Ins

Hours of Operation

Mon: 10am-7pm (DESK HOURS 11am-6pm)

Tuesday: 10am-7pm (DESK HOURS 12-6)

Wednesday: 10am-7pm (NO FRONT DESK STAFF)​

Thursday: 10am-7pm (DESK HOURS 12-6)

Friday: 10am-7pm (DESK HOURS 11-5)

Saturday: 10am-4pm (NO FRONT DESK STAFF)


**Please give us a 48 hour notice if you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment to avoid cancellation fees. Please respect our therapist's time.** Thank You

Please be patience during our high demand. Our team is doing the best they can to accommodate you! We appreciate your kindness.